Sound Liberation, an eclectic chamber ensemble/band, was formed in 1996. The band has gained exposure in the New York city area and has generated a loyal core following playing such notable venues as Joe's Pub, Wetlands, Knitting Factory, The Blue Note, Downtime, New Music Cafe, Cutting Room, Le Poisson Rouge and many other performing spaces.
Sound Liberation's musical philosophy, developed by band founder Gene Pritsker, is based upon "ending the segregation of sound vibration (i.e. musical Genres)". The group incorporates its philosophy by performing compositions that encompass a diverse range of musical genre, heavily influenced by hip-hop and rock rhythms. This enables one to hear elements from classical music to Jazz to music of various cultures at a Sound Liberation show.
The group performed at the Outreach Festival '06 and '07 and ’14 in Schwaz, Austria. In '07 Sound Liberation performed at the Estonian House and presented Gene Pritsker's Opera 'Money' at the Players Theatre and Flea Theatre in New York. In May of '08 'Money' was performed at the Etna music Festival in Catania, Sicily and Sound Liberation played in Ragusa, Sicily. In July '08 they performed at the Blaine jazz Festival in Blaine, Wa. In May of '09 Sound Liberation presented 2 nights at the Flea theater, performing Gene Pritsker's one hour VRE Suite written for the Sound Liberation Quintet and a concert with B3+ of music from their albums on Col-Legno records. In September 2011 they performed at the Bremen Musik Fest in Germany. In past years the group was part of the Peekaboo Festival of New Music, 21st Century Schizoid at Cornelia Street Cafe, and Theater and has toured Newfoundland, Canada in April of '99.
In August of '09 the Song No Truth was featured in the Universal Home Videos motion picture 'The Wedding Bothers'. In the fall of 2010 'Human Condition' was featured on PBS's Road Trip Nation series. The band played a very publicized concert at New York's Le Poisson Rouge in January '10, the New Yorker wrote: "Pritsker, a rule-breaking composer-guitarist (and rapper) who impresses funk and rock beats onto classical structures, fronts this eclectic jazz-type combo of singers and instrumentalists"
The group has released these albums:
1. Sound Liberation (self released)
2. Open Up Your ears & Get Some (Col Legno Records)
3. VRE suite (Innova Records)
4. Days (Composers Concrodacen Records)
5. Rite Through an Eclectic Spectrum (Composers Concrodacen Records)
6. Money (self released)
7. Let's Save The World Suite (Composers Concrodacen Records)
8. Better Now (Composers Concrodacen Records)
“Sound Liberation display a level of multi-instrumental virtuosity
and imagination that makes middleweight prog acts seem positively
pedestrian by comparison. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea for sure but for
the open-minded muso, there’s weeks and weeks of musical nourishment t
o feast upon in these thirteen tracks.“
- Jodi Mullen, This is Not A Scene, Jul. 2012 -
"Unexpected twists and turns...The result my have you seeing visions...
strains of jazz,contemporary classical music, minimalism, and even
hip-hop and African rhythms "
- John Ephland, Downbeat, Nov. 2010 - FULL REVIEW (page 59 of the pdf)
"Pritsker’s muse is a restless one and through it he very successfully balances the roles of artist and militant,
contemporary composer and free improviser, guttural rocker and aerial jazzer." "Erik T. Johnson, whose words
and declamation are utterly contemporary. Behind and through Johnson’s powerful spoken word performances, Pritsker’s music soars, testifies and exemplifies the struggle." "Once the improv section takes flight, Pritsker
channels the expressionist soundscapes of Robert Fripp, but one hears John McLaughlin and bits of Jimi Hendrix too."
- The New York City Jazz Record by John Pietaro 11/22 FULL REVIEW
"A brilliant collision of instrumentation and vocals,
that sonically take your ears on a journey of pure bliss!”
- Bound 2 Hip Hop, Feb. 2014
"Days, loaded with mind-blowing compositions rich
with stylistic variation and raw musical talent"
- Niji Magazine, Feb. 2014 Full Review & Interview
"Gene Pritsker, a composer without musical boundaries…"
- United-Mutations, Feb. 2014 Full Review
"Literally one of the best Hybrid Hip Hop/R&B/Electric music
albums we have ever heard"
- undergroundhiphopblog.com, Jan. 2014
“When a composer gets into R&B/Rock/Pop you expect something interesting. And with Gene Pritsker's
Sound Liberation you get it."..."It's not just that things are combined that don't ordinarily come together, it is that they do so with a musical result that grabs you and does not let go" -
- Gapplegate Guitar & Bass Blog writes in Nov. 2010/2013 Full Review
"Pushing boundaries by creating a style of sound & music that is like no other…incredibly unique & original to the point where it will make your head spin!"
- - Jimmy Rae - Skope magazine - Full Review
"Chanda Rule...gorgeously arranged ballads that mix strings, brass and rhythm to passionately expressed messages. I could listen to this lady all day. "
- jazzweekly.com
The members of Sound Liberation include:
Gene “Noizepunk” Pritsker
(composer, guitarist, rapper)
David “Criminal Cello” Gotay R.I.P
(rapper, cellist)
Greg “B-man” Baker (guitarist)
Charles “Das Krooner” Coleman (singer)
Chanda Rule (voice)
Franz Hackl (trumpet)
Mat Fieldes (bassist)
David Rosenblatt (drummer)
Jose Moura (bass)
Joe Abba (drummer)
as well as guest performers such as:
John Clark (horn)
Dave Taylor (trombone)
Damien Bassman (drums)
Lara St. John (violin)
Valery Ponomarev (trumpet)
James “The Prophet” Gotay (rapper)
Vessko Gellev (violinist)
Mychio Suzuki (clarinetist)
Margaret Lancaster (flutist)
Melenie Mitrano (voice)
Reviews of Sound Liberations album: VRE Suite
All About Jazz
Review of 'Open Up Your Ears... album in New Music Connoisseur
Review of Rite Through An Eclectic Spectrum on Conteporry Fusion
"Literally one of the best Hybrid Hip Hop/R&B/Electric music albums we have ever heard"…"Superior Production with heavy orchestra style acoustical flavors, Quality Overwhelming R&B vocals (Chanda Rule) & Heavily Electric sounds who would have known ingredients like this would create such a memorable and comforting album to vibe out to"…"We are positive when this album is launched it will be an instant success and become a true CLASSIC Album for all music fans to enjoy. "
- undergroundhiphopblog.com, Jan. 2014 - FULL REVIEW
"Pushing boundaries by creating a style of sound & music that is like no other…incredibly unique & original to the point where it will make your head spin!…Sound Liberation blends so many different genres together but makes all the parts & pieces fit together perfectly…Their music is breaking musical barriers by taking the audience on an unforgettable ride full of pleasant surprises and places they’ve never been before..‘Days’ has huge potential to become a game-changing Hit!"
- Jimmy Rae - Skope magazine - Full Review
"A brilliant collision of instrumentation and vocals, that sonically take your ears on a journey of pure bliss!”
- Bound 2 Hip Hop, Jan. 2014
"Days, loaded with mind-blowing compositions rich with stylistic variation and raw musical talent; a combination that is sure to create a unique and innovational addition to anyone’s musical repertoire."
- Niji Magazine, Jan. 2014 - Full Review & Interview
"Gene Pritsker, a composer without musical boundaries, blends soulful rhythm 'n blues with chamber music strings and hip-hop rhymes. And he might add some bop jazz guitar lines on the spot…My favorite track is 'What Shall I Do', a beautiful song that features the superb voice of Chanda Rule, accompanied by a string quartet and a guitar. Worth checking out."- United-mutations, Feb. 2014 - Full Review
When a composer gets into R&B/Rock/Pop you expect something interesting. And with Gene Pritsker's Sound Liberation you get it. The singles "Need" and "Breath" from the upcoming album Days (Composer's Concordance) give you something of substance. Chanda Rule has a very appealing and original voice and she is out front on both songs. The songs in turn have nice twists and turns you'd expect from Gene. And the arrangements have grit and musicality, with some especially good cello writing.
So what else to say except this is nice music that you should give a listen to. I wish Sound Liberation all success on this one!
- Grego Applegate Edwards, Gapplegate, Oct. 2012
“Sound Liberation display a level of multi-instrumental virtuosity and imagination that makes middleweight prog acts seem positively pedestrian by comparison. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea for sure but for the open-minded muso, there’s weeks and weeks of musical nourishment to feast upon in these thirteen tracks.“
- Jodi Mullen, This is Not A Scene, Jul. 2012 - FULL REVIEW
‘Rite Through an Eclectic Spectrum’ on Composers Concordance Records.
Released in Jan. of 2018: http://noizepunk.wixsite.com/riteeclecticspectrum
“Serious high energy virtuosic jazz by a truly driven and dedicated group”…”What is very clear is that these musicians are having a lot of fun”…”Gene Pritsker strikes again.”…”This is a very appealing album “
- New Music Buff, 12/17
“…a fine tribute to Stravinsky's courage…mixes and remixes the original themes brilliantly…a nice surprise”
- Réjean Beaucage VOIR, 1/18
“pretty exciting and tribal,…Modern classical teams with urban inner cities and Soweto on this wide ranging gig.”
- George W. Harris, Jazz Weekly, 1/18
'In his typical eclectic style, mixing hip-hop and beats with jazz, Gene Pritsker gives ‘The Rite Of Spring’ a contemporary twist."Rite Through An Eclectic Spectrum". I like it. ‘
- Peter Van Laarhoven , United-mutations, 11/17
“A remarkable CD...Big sound with an impressive punch...impressive solos and a compelling dynamism…piercingly intense guitar solo…intending to make music dangerous again.”
Paul H. Muller, Sequenza21, 1/18
“Pritsker and his fellow musicians gleefully crash through borders and smash conventions in this performance. In world dominated by safe, carefully calculated music-making—calculated to make money, this CD is refreshing. If it tweaks our collective noses, perhaps they deserve tweaking. This might be on my Want List at the end of the year.
-Fanfare, Raymond Tuttle 5/18
'Open Up Your Ears and Get Some' on Col Legno Records:
"an exceptionally complex and challenging record that lays down a gauntlet to the listener. After listening to a the album on and off for a week, I feel that I’ve only just started to get under the skin of Sound Liberation "
- Jodi Mullen, This is Not A Scene
"The freedom of sounds, as the name su∞ggests, is truly implemented in a masterful way"
- Thorsten Bendnarz - Jazzethic Magazine
In July 2010 Innova Records released Sound Liberations 3rd album:
Gene Pritsker's 'VRE Suite' written for the quintet portion of Sound Liberation:
"Sound Liberation are afraid of nothing, mixing rhythm and genre to the point where the listener simply gives up on labels and enjoys the ride!....grab this indie gem now!"
- RootdownFM.com
"4 stars" "unexpected twists and turns...The result my have you seeing visions...strains of jazz, contemporary classical music, minimalism, and even hip-hop and and African rhythms"
- John Ephland, Downbeat
In 2014 the band released their 4th studio album entitled 'Days’.
Songs from the album have been featured on radio stations across America and the CD has received extremely positive reviews:
"Literally one of the best Hybrid Hip Hop/R&B/Electric music albums we have ever heard"
- Underground Hip Hop Blog
"Days, loaded with mind-blowing compositions rich with stylistic variation and raw musical talent
- Niji Magazine
"Pushing boundaries by creating a style of sound & music that is like no other…
incredibly unique & original to the point where it will make your head spin!"
- Skope Magazine
REVIEWS Of Better Now
“Delighting all senses into a much better planet away from all the smoggy confusion, Sound Liberation has made a special single which will ease the mood of millions. “
…”Time Does Not Bring Relief from the USA music-fusion project Sound Liberation is a rather superb display from excellent musicians who seem to only get better like fine wine. Delightfully true to their craft and calming all scared cats into a zone of mellowness, this is a stunning effort made with an expert appeal.”
…”If the day has been tough, this is the kind of release to soak in a hot bath with the volume on full.’
- Llewelyn Screen, A&R Factory
“This remarkable studio work exemplifies Sound Liberation’s genre-bending sound, highlighting the artistry and vision of mastermind Gene Pritsker, the talented composer and guitarist behind the moniker.
“Sound Liberation is really all about liberating creativity in sound, and this album shows that great things can happen when artists refuse to play by the same old rules!”
- The Band Camp Diaries
“Music fusion at its finest: Sound Liberation’s melodic journey through diverse musical landscapes”
“Breaking barriers and bending genres”
“Through the album, Sound Liberation unites disparate musical elements, mirroring the interconnectedness of our global community. Their positivity is infectious, with the joy they derive from their craft palpable in every note they play. Listeners are treated to a musical exploration of cultures and genres that broadens their auditory horizons while delivering a deeply gratifying listening experience.”
“Better Now, a rich mosaic of sounds”
- Jukebox Time
“As suggested by the name of the band itself, the main purpose of this ensemble of musicians is to break down the barriers between musical genres, in a sort of liberation of the very concept of music. In this ninth release of the band this operation is carried out which tends to show music as a single great genre, for which therefore the labels have absolutely no more sense.”
“There are an infinite number of genres that find fertile ground in this album. From blues to jazz, from R&B to classical music through fusion and rap. The transition from one style to another that the musicians on this record are able to make with extreme ease is truly exciting”
“One of the most impressive episodes is the last track in which the band crosses between Vivaldi's Summer and the dynamic improvisational language of Bebop. The entire album is configured as a gigantic party between musical genres finally united in one huge cauldron in which it is possible to recognize and appreciate every single ingredient.
If you are passionate about music in a global sense you will love this incredible album!”
- Artisti Online
“Sound Liberation‘s latest full-length record, Better Now, is an epic journey through their commitment to breaking down genre barriers, blurring the lines between musical styles and creating music that defies categorization”
““Time Does Not Bring Relief” introduces a shimmering neo-soul sound, with Adriana Valdés and David Banks delivering a stunning vocal duet.”
“Quarantine Blues…”showcases the band’s ability to create a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere, drawing listeners into their eclectic world.”
“Outside” … " a standout moment that highlights the band’s ability to create diverse and compelling music.”
““Vivaldi’s Hot House,” a remarkable crossover of jazz and classical music. Sound Liberation reimagines a timeless classical piece through their own sonic lens, incorporating the talents of Lara St. John on violin, Gene Pritsker on guitar, Wayne Dumaine on trumpet, Colin Brookes on viola, Grace Ho on cello, Melissa Slocum on bass,and David Rozenblatt on drums. The result is an epic and mesmerizing composition that showcases the band’s ability to seamlessly blend different musical worlds.”
“Better Now is a brilliant demonstration of Sound Liberation’s commitment to pushing musical boundaries and creating an immersive and diverse listening experience. The album’s fusion of genres, from soul to hip hop to classical, is a testament to their dedication to breaking down barriers and exploring new sonic territories. With their exceptional musicianship and innovative approach, Sound Liberation has crafted a captivating album that leaves a lasting impression on the listener.”
- Plasticmag
“a captivating new single "Better Now", which represents the group's innovative artistic vision and their ability to transcend musical conventions. “
“manages to combine catchy melodies and driving beats with introspective lyrics.”
“The skillful arrangements and impeccable vocal harmonies also add to the overall quality of the track. A real treat for music lovers looking for new discoveries and unique sound experiences.”
- InfoMusic
“”groundbreaking album”
“visionary compositions”
“Prepare to embark on a genre-defying journey that exemplifies the unique and defining style of Sound Liberation.”
“Sound Liberation, founded by Gene Pritsker, embraces a unique musical philosophy that aims to break down the barriers between musical genres.”
“ This album stands as a testament to their commitment to transcending conventional musical norms and forging a path of boundless creativity.”
- Hailtunes
“Sound Liberation, the brainchild of visionary composer Gene Pritsker, breaks musical boundaries”
““Quarantine Blues…jazz fusion gem displays the virtuosity of the musicians, their chemistry, and the tight arrangements.”
“Better Now,… a powerful and thought-provoking anthem”
“The dazzling “Vivaldi’s Hot House,” we hear the culmination of what a crossover classical/jazz fusion extravaganza sounds like.”
“indulge in the standout album release, “Better Now,” brought to you by Sound Liberation.”
- illustrate magazine
“The compositions by Gene Pritsker serve as a testament to the band's willingness to experiment and explore new musical territories. By seamlessly blending different genres and musical elements, Sound Liberation creates a refreshing and dynamic sound that defies categorization.”
“By embracing a multitude of musical influences, Sound Liberation creates a rich and captivating listening experience. Their commitment to ending the segregation of sound vibration is evident throughout the album, as they seamlessly blend and transcend genres to create something truly unique and compelling.”
'Better Now' solidifies Sound Liberation's place as a boundary-pushing and influential force in the music industry.”
- The Musical Road
Sound Liberation releases their latest exquisite multi genre album
“dynamic and boundary-breaking sound…a unique and organic listening experience”
“Time Does Not Bring Relief…seamlessly blend different styles, intertwining breathtaking instrumentation with soulful melodies. It's a compelling composition that resonates deeply with the listener.”
“Vivaldi's Hot House…an epic and mesmerizing composition that effortlessly blends different musical worlds, exemplifying the band's ability to create captivating and harmonious fusions.”
“Better Now is a brilliant illustration of Sound Liberation's dedication to challenging musical conventions and producing a rich and varied listening experience. The album's blending of genres, from soul to hip-hop to classical, is evidence of their commitment to dismantling conventions and venturing into uncharted sonic realms. Sound Liberation has created a compelling album that leaves a deep impression on the listener thanks to their superb musicianship and creative approach.”
- Dulaxi
“In "Better Now," Gene Pritsker masterfully weaves together a rich tapestry of musical genres, showcasing his prowess in soul, hip-hop, contemporary jazz, cross-over classical, blues, R&B, and jazz fusion. This incredible album portrays a high-class depiction of life during and post-quarantine. Meticulously crafted over a two-year period across various locations and recording studios, it takes listeners on an awe-inspiring adventure that transcends conventional genre boundaries. Experiencing the unique soundscapes of Sound Liberation becomes an enthralling voyage as you delve into each track and discover the eclectic brilliance of Gene Pritsker's creative genius. ‘
“you are transported on a thrilling journey through an intricate tapestry of sound; a captivating culmination of various musical realms coming together in perfect harmony”
- Testing Melodies